Useful information

Extralibera is an open and continuously updated space. Come and visit it and give us your feedback: it will help us improve the contents and the visiting experience.
We are waiting for you!

Opening hours

From Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.
Special openings upon request of groups.

How to reach us

We are in via Stamira 5 in Rome. (check out directions on Google Maps)

Pay attention to the environmental impact!

Reach us by public transport (Bologna metro stop and Tiburtina station a few steps away) or by other sustainable means.
We do not have private parking available for our guests.

Route accessibility

The route is accessible for people with reduced physical mobility.
At the moment it is designed for sighted people (all videos are subtitled) but in the future we will study courses suitable for those with other types of perceptive deficits.

School Groups

Entry to Extralibera for school groups includes, at the end of the visit, an educational meeting with the association. The overall duration of the experience is approximately two hours and the cost is €100 for groups of up to 25 people (the fee will be invoiced to the school). For more information you can write at